Table of Contents
Click below to download the table of contents, list of contributors, and abstracts.
Correspondence Experiments Since 2005
Click below to download the third chapter, "Hiring Discrimination: An Overview of (Almost) All Correspondence Experiments Since 2005" by Stijn Baert.
Introduction to Audit Studies
Click below to download the first chapter, "An Introduction to Audit Studies in the Social Sciences" by S. Michael Gaddis.
Technical Aspects of Correspondence Studies
Click below to download the fourth chapter, "Technical Aspects of Correspondence Studies" by Joanna Lahey and Ryan Beasley.
Auditing and the Activist Scholar Tradition
Click below to download the second chapter, "Making it Count: Discrimination Auditing and the Activist Scholar Tradition" by Frances Cherry and Marc Bendick Jr.
To Match or Not to Match?
Click below to download the sixth chapter, "To Match or Not to Match? Statistical and Substantive Considerations in Audit Design and Analysis" by Mike Vuolo, Christopher Uggen, and Sarah Lageson.
Since 1993
Call For Papers:
Southern Sociological Society conference in New Orleans, April 4-7, 2018.
Organized by Raj Ghoshal and Michael Gaddis
Raj Ghoshal and Michael Gaddis are organizing a paper session for the 2018 Southern Sociological Society meetings. We seek abstracts of papers that present audit studies of the effects of race, gender, religion, parenthood status, sexual orientation, or any other social characteristic, on the treatment of individuals seeking employment, apartments, roommates, government services, or other outcomes. We also welcome papers addressing methodological or theoretical issues in audit studies.
Please submit to rghoshal AT and mgaddis AT by Wednesday, October 25th, and include:
(1) Title of paper
(2) Contact information and affiliation for each author.
(3) Abstract or extended abstract (approx. 450-550 words).
We will submit the session to the program committee shortly after October 25th.

Coming soon...
In the coming weeks, check back for more information on the forthcoming Springer book, a database of all audit and correspondence studies, and more.
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